Daily Archives: September 4, 2010

Lack Of Sleep = Poor Blogging.

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The four hour drive last night starting at about 11:00PM  was especially killer for Dad, who was actually the one behind the wheel.  I let my boss know that I most likely would not make it in by 8AM and put in for personal time off in the morning.  With my 9AM wake up call, I got up and ready, breakfast being of the grab-and-go nature.  I’ll leave your imagination run wild, but I can tell you that breakfast was less than exciting.  Tasted great, but not too easy on the eyes for the blog world.  Lots of…brown.  I’ll give you a hint.  It involved fake meat and chocolate.  If you guessed a Morningstar sausage patty with a Fudge Vitatop, you’d be correct Convenient and tasty.

Lunch time rolled around and you can bet I came to work unprepared due to my sleep deprivation, which was just an excuse to hit up my favorite lunch spot, Simply Turkey.

Ignore the shadow, if you will, and focus on the important things, like the fat-free tomato basil dressing accompanying my Boss Salad complete with multi-grain bread.

Or the fact that those yummy grated carrots slightly resemble shredded cheddar cheese, but taste TEN times better.  Or the fact that  the bed of baby spinach and spring mix was piled high in the plastic container and my cherry tomatoes, cukes, broccoli, peppers, and chickpeas were fighting for room in the dish.

Or maybe the fact that this crunchy, seedy bread I can almost guarantee has flax seeds in it!  ❤ My heart flutters.  After consuming these wonderful mid-day eats, it was back to the grind.

Soon 4PM struck and my booty was in weekend mode. Glorious, HOLIDAY weekend mode.  I celebrated when I got home with a snack that I adapted from Angela.  She used protein powder in her high protein carob pudding, but I was looking for something a little “lighter”.

1/2 C. organic pumpkin, 1 tbsp. Hershey Special Dark cocoa powder, & 1 splenda packet

Before you say it, yes I’m aware it resembles something not-so-pleasant.

But judge as you may, for you’ll be the only one missing out, I can assure you. 😉  More pumpkin for me!

Anywho, I had lots to do in preparation for the weekend.  Forgive me, but I will NOT be blogging much this weekend, as per usual.  I have plans to go to Penn State for a football game tomorrow for the season opener with the boyy.  Packing, cleaning, and laundry all took place.

Somewhere along the way, I had another snack in the form of a La Tortilla Factory original wrap smeared with 1 Sonoma Jacks cheese wedge + 1 Splenda.  Move over cream cheese, Sonoma Jacks & Splenda, comin’ through!

Soon I got to work on dinner. I knew I wanted to use up the rest of my zucchini in the fridge because it was on its last leg, and I HATE wasting great produce.  I also had some wilty spinach to be used.  The end result was something I was pretty proud of!  I even used my new bowl, painted by yours truly.

First I roasted zucchini and some onion in the microwave, coating them in garlic and herb rub first.  Then, I took some chickpeas and mixed them with less than a serving of Tribe garlic hummus that I had left over in a seperate container for sauce.  I also added some frozen peas to the chickpea/hummus mix.

I laid the roasted veggies over the bed of spinach, which wilted it even more, and then I topped the entire dish with my chickpea, pea, and garlic hummus “dressing”.

All of the textures went REALLY well together.

After dinner, I washed up and started making something yummy to take down to State with me tomorrow.

This recipe was calling out to me, and I found it perfectly convenient that I JUST got to try out these Dandies marshmallows for a review! Of course I modified it a bit according to what I had on hand.

What a perfect opportunity to utilize them in a recipe to see how versatile they can be!

I used Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Honey!

Which melted with the gooey marshmallows perfectly in the microwave!

This had to be the best photo of the entire process…look at it oooozing out over the edge of the bowl!

This stuff was mixed for crunch factor and the dark chocolate was a nice touch!

The final product?

With a few semi-sweet chocolate chips sprinkled ontop!

The moneyyyyyyyyy shot.

I was surprised at how well the vegan marshmallows melted and worked in the recipe!

I had big plans for these s’mores inspired treats to take with me to Penn State to visit the boy over the weekend!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!  I won’t be blogging much because I’ll be going to the football game Saturday and spending time with the FFBF most of the time.  Monday I’ll be home, but the family is having a Labor Day picnic, as per usual.  I’ll catch you back here on Tuesday morning! 😉