Daily Archives: July 13, 2010

Birthday Boy.

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Verse of the Day:

“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

– Philippians 2:9-11

I’m assuming this verse is where Mark Shultz got his inspiration for his song, “Love Has Come“…good one, by the way.

Before I start up on the eats, I’d like to say…


Dennis and I got to see one another this weekend.  We had a fantastic night Friday after my workout, class, and shower at the drive in movies.  It rained, but we got to spend some more time together afterward at my house.  Dennis has been a lifelong friend of mine since the time we met on the school bus back in junior high.  He’s now kicking butt in the Army, stationed in Texas for basic training, (1st in his class!) and will be deployed for four months to Afghanistan shortly.  Please pray for him!  I’m going to miss him very much

Breakfast was another success.

1 La Tortilla Factory High Fiber Low Carb Whole Wheat Tortilla spread with 2/3 tbsp. Barney Butter + 1 tbsp. Sugar Free Black Raspberry Polaner with strawberry Chobani on the side

This little roll up really stole the show.  The combination of chunky Barney Butter (Now at Giant!  FINALLY) warmed and spread with the sugar free jam was as delectable as it gets for breakfast.

Work was work.  Nothing new to report here.  The merge of our sections is still in progress and I’m excited about the new possibilities to advance!   

Lunch was consumed around 12PM.  Breakfast definitely could’ve held me over longer, but my lunch hour is already set.

Veggie blend of cukes, red pepper, carrots, lima beans, and raw sweet corn (cut from the cob) with a 1/2 Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Chip Bonk Breaker for whole grains and a MorningStar Maple Flavored Soy Sausage patty with Sonoma Jack’s.

After the 8-4 shift, I hit the gym on campus.  The Cross Ramp called out to me for a little attention 😉 I happily obliged and rode that baby for a good 40 minutes (calories burned=450; avg. heart rate=157) while watching “Paul Blart: Mall Cop“.  

What can I say?  Without “King of Queens” on the TVs at the other gym I went to, I needed some Kevin James in my life.  Then, I did some planks on the floor and some “in n’ outs” for the abs.  The stationary bike was my next plan of attack.  InStyle in hand, I tackled a quick 12 minute ride.  The only time I look at magazines is while I’m working out!  Just like Tina. Just before leaving the Fitness Center, I did another 12 minutes on the Cross Ramp to get my heart rate up one last time.

I packed another BB&SFJ (Barney Butter & SF Jam) sammie on a WW Light english muffin for after my workout to eat before class.

This is SUCH a treat food for me.  I used to fear the healthy fats in almond butter…NOT anymore! 🙂  Since I knew I wouldn’t be getting home til 8-8:30, I had a platter of veggies to munch while waiting for class to start at 6PM.

Cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, & red pepper with spicy mustard mixed with hummus & salsa for dippage.

After class, I had a minor freak out about the fact that it was the last one before my first exam since 2007.  Then I got over it.  I feel confident about everything I’ve learned so far.  I was one of the few people in class who actually answered questions and participated. 

When I got home, I knew I needed some protein.

1 Nature’s Promise Veggie Burger atop a bed of steamed broccoli slaw splashed with reduced sugar ketchup and dijon mustard.

This was so yummy!  Like a hamburger salad!

I needed something sweet to finish me off, so I dolloped some fat free cottage cheese into a bowl and drizzled it with SF Log Cabin syrup for dessert.

Then I left the house to get to Girls’ Night!  It was a non-stop adventure.  It felt so good to sit down when I finally got to my Aunt’s house while relaxing with the ladies to watch some smutty TV.

Aunt Teenie had lots of great snacks, but my belly was FULL. 

Here’s a shot of the spread just for accountability. 

I had a few cucumbers, red peppers,

blueberries, and strawberries.

I loved Chris L.’s hometown date with Ali.  They just seemed to fit together…I also got a kick out of Roberto’s date with her…”she is such a price!” (prize).  To be honest, there isn’t a guy left that I don’t like.  I was sad for Kirk to leave, but could tell they just didn’t have chemistry like the other men had with her. 

Two Question Tuesday:

1.  What is one TV show that you HATE to miss?  I’m excited for One Tree Hill to start new episodes!  Of course there’s The Bachelor/ette, too, but that’s more so because of the company than anything.

2.  What’s a dynamic foodie duo that you’ve recently rediscovered a love for?  For me, it’s Almond Butter & SF Jam!


**ANNOUNCEMENT:  As mentioned previously, Lauren & I are planning a meet up in the city of Harrisburg for anyone who would like to join us!  Please email me at freckledfoodielove@gmail.com to get the details!