Tag Archives: Packed lunch

The Early Bird Gets The Worm.

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Getting to work at 6:45am isn’t as easy as I thought it would be…although utilizing our families Keurig coffee makes the commute much more tolerable.

Working 7am-3pm wasn’t supposed to make me feel like a zombie, but I suppose it’s worth it, since I’ve been able to attend all of my basketball practices.  I can’t believe our first game is in a few weeks! 

[whole wheat cinnamon raisin sandwich thin + peanut flour paste + mashed naner]

When I do finally arrive at my building after walking under the creepiest bridge ever from the lot I pay to park in downtown, I set up my own little breakfast making station at my desk.  Not many people in the office work the shift I do, so it’s nice and peaceful.

A delicious, healthy breakfast is necessary on days like these…like a consolation prize for my pulling myself out of bed at 5am….NOT for a workout.  Somehow, it was easier when I knew I’d be sweating and revving up my body at that time back in the booty camp days.

Mid-morning snack (aka, breakfast #2) = Lemon 0% Chobani + 1 of Katie’s Coconut Almond Macaroons crumbled in.

Before I know it, my lunchtime arrives.

This picture doesn’t do justice to how large my salad truly is.   A huge bed of chopped green leaf lettuce, broken asparagus spears, baby bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and english cucumbers. The large and in charge bottle to the left is a new product which I LOVE and found at Wegman’s.


Mango Vinegar Spritzer

Ingredients: Mango Juice, White Wine Vinegar, Natural Mango Extract, Xanthan Gum, Sulphide Dioxide; 1 tbsp = 15 calories

HUGE fan…although it did cost me about $6.

Before practice, I usually have some type of candy fuel.  These bars are my favorite…Elise’s recommendation.  120 calories, made from brown rice syrup, dates, and other wholesome ingredients.  What you’re not seeing is ziplock baggie of frozen grapes that I ate, too.  Nature’s sugar at it’s best.

After a two hour practice, I’m pretty beat, but it’s a good kind of beat, you know?  On days I don’t have class, I go straight home to get a shower…and then, when I’m out, I devour dinner (hence, no photos).  Usually, it’s something effortless like steamed vegetables (broccoli slaw, peas, snap peas, green beans – whatever is in my freezer), protein (whether it’s ff cottage cheese, grilled chicken, or deli turkey), and carb (brown rice, ww bread, oat cake). 

Then, for dessert before bed, I always have a shake.  I have been using 1/2 scoop Vega chocolate & 1/2 scoop chocolate whey together and it is delish.  Helps me sleep, too!

If you’re counting, that’s two cheeseball “thumbs up” pictures in one post.  I guess I’m a little awkward on camera.  Haha.  Sidenote: Jarid also likes to point out that when I’m alone in a photo, I always tilt my head to the left a little bit.  It’s too funny, now that I look back on all the pics he has of me.

Do you have a signature picture pose?


Confessions of a [Foodie] Shopaholic.

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Things have not quite been running smoothly in my world as of lately. That’s not to say that I’m not happy, but there seem to be some bumps in the road, literally and figuratively…

Daddy FF came to my rescue within minutes of this deflated tire, but it still ran me 45 minutes late for work, and cost me $500.00 that I would’ve much rather spent on other things.  Who knew two tires and a realignment would cost so much?

Between paying for tuition and books out of pocket, rent, and this tire malfunction, my spending is going to have to come to a halt pretty immediately.  Granted, I should have been saving money while I was living at home rent free, but I think at one point I could technically classify myself as a shopaholic.  I think it made things worse that I was too busy to actually go shopping, which made me take advantage of every opportunity to buy things online when I saw free shipping deals and huge sales.


Being a fan of nutritious foods, I find myself spending money on groceries from Amazon, too.  The convenience of things like pre-made quinoa and cases of unsweetened almond milk are luxuries that I may have to give up pretty quickly. 

I guess I’m going to have to find the time to become more economical about my food spending.  I can see why people resort to the 99¢ menu at the drive-thru.  So much quicker and cheaper than the time & effort it takes to put together a nutritious meal.  I just can’t bring myself to that, though, and my body appreciates it, I’m sure.

Sometimes it’s even a team effort…like the other day when I text Momma FF asking her to pick me up some organic baby spinach so I had some to add to my protein shakes, along with some frozen veggies that I could quickly steam in the microwave and add to tupperware for some veggie power on the go.

The good news is, I won’t be running out of peanut flour for quite some time, which means you’ll continue to see snacks like these on the blog.  Not that they’re pretty, but they sure are delicious. 

It isn’t always feasible to pack up my lunches AND dinners, but I try to limit myself to ONE bought lunch/dinner per week.  $7.00 for a salad like this isn’t all that impressive.  I can make myself much cheaper meals that I enjoy a whole lot more.

I’ve even been keeping shelf stable things at work like soup, bread, 100 cal kettle corn, and canned meat & fruits at work for those days when it’s just impossible for me to pull together a chopped, fresh salad from home.

On another note, entirely seperate from the things previously mentioned in this post, can I just say that it is completely unfair to be staring at this for 3 straight hours, while your boyfriend gets to enjoy a baseball game with your family?

Do you see who Jarid is holding?!  YES, it’s Bowman and YES, I was really jealous when I got the picture 😉  Just kidding…kind of.  I’m thrilled that J got to go to the Senator’s game to watch Steven Strausburg, a major leaguer from the Washington Nationals, who was there as a step back into the game from an injury.

The whole night I was getting texts from the family.  Talk about rubbing it in! 😉  I almost wish I had skipped class to go.  I suppose there will be other games!

Who is ready to get this weekend started?!

The Labor Day Monday off is  MUCH needed for this chick.  I can’t wait.

Are you a shopaholic?  Foodie or otherwise?






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I don’t think I ever showed you guys what my sweet boyfriend’s parents gave me for my birthday, did I? 

I absolutely LOVE it.  Probably because Jarid sneaked back to buy it after I picked it out while we were shopping together.  Stinker.

I guess I haven’t shown you what I’ve been learning in A&P, either?

That’s right.  All of the bones in the skull.  From the coronal suture to the foramen magnum.  I’ve got an exam coming up in about two weeks, so I’m really cracking down.  The tough part about the class, is that the NON lab part (textbook reading) is all on us to learn…there’s no lecture.


It’s been stress busting trips to the gym, where I can sweat out my anxieties keeping me from pulling my hair out.

Lunches lately have been lackluster, yet healthy.  I had high hopes for this Helen’s Kitchen organic burrito, but the flavors were less than stellar. 

It was all-around kinda bland, which I’m not sure I understand because I love all the ingredients.

It even smelled good when I pulled it out of the microwave and chopped it in half…I’m not sure where I went wrong.

It needed some serious salsa or marinara sauce or something…It didn’t taste bad, it just didn’t taste at all.

Steamed green beans & snap peas on the side.

Anywho, this next tidbit will be appreciated by any chick out there who has thick hair like mine, and even with those seemingly invincible hairties, manage to break a few each week.

I bought these jelly textured hairties at Rite Aid (I think they were Goody brand), and highly recommend them.  They STAY PUT not matter what and it’s next to impossible to break them…coming from the girl who went through three thick ones in one night (TWSS). 

Dinners have to be one-pot-wonders, because they are stashed in a locker until it’s time to feast after the gym and before class. 

That’s right, I’m the girl sitting in my towel on a bench in the locker room chowing down on baby shrimp, broccoli slaw, and black pearl rice.

 I think I’m in a rut… I need some healthy ideas of quickly packed lunches for this fall semester!  Preferably ones I can nuke at work. 

What are your favorite frozen meals?  I love Kashi, but I’m not a fan of Lean Cuisine, etc. 

Three For Thursday

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1. The only good thing about the fact that summer is coming to a close is the fact that I turned in my very last summer semester assignment last night!  Buh bye, English Comp II & Psychology classesNice knowin’ ya.

I thought it was a little odd that I had the exact same grade in each class prior to turning in my last paper.  I mean, what are the odds? Granted, I’m not complaining, seeing as how I made a 4.0 (my goal)! 🙂 Six more credits under my belt.

2. Produce is totally peaking right now and I’ve found ways at each meal to incorporate it in some way.  These tomatoes were sun-ripened, perfect, and juicy.

2 slices light whole wheat bread + reduced fat veggie cream cheese, spinach, & heirloom tomato + salt & pepper

And I am taking full advantage of every piece I get.  I even roast meals the night before and pack them away in the fridge for my lunch the next day! 

1 egg + 3 whites with hummus lava in the center, atop a roasted veggie feast of zucchini, baby peppers, cauliflower, and onions all seasoned with salt & pepper

There’s no excuse for not eating your vegetables when they taste that delicious.  Something about roasting them brings to life all the flavors that I know and love in veggies.

3. I ordered a new fitness watch, but may be sending it back…sure it tracks mileage (my polar doesn’t), but the only reason I ordered it in the first place was because I thought mine was lost…I found it in a couch cushion the very next day…decisions, decisions…

Okay, I lied…there are four things for Thursday.

4.  Jarid is the best.  He brought me flowers last night to cheer me up.  My entire family went to Knobel’s Amusement Resort yesterday for Bo’s birthday…I wasn’t invited.  I know they didn’t exclude me on purpose…they probably just figured I had to work…He came over to visit last night after basketball, and suddenly, I forgot about all the bad feelings I had about it.   Funny how love does that, huh?


What’s one thing/person that can cheer you up no matter what?
For me, it’s Jarid…and, or sugar-free ice cream/froyo.  Win-win.

What are your favorite flowers?
I think mine are either lilies, gerber daisies, or roses…I like mini sunflowers, too, though!  Indecisive much?


Let’s Get Personal

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Breakfast: Kashi 7 grain waffle, 1/2 mashed banana, fat-free cottage cheese, cinnamon, & sugar-free syrup

Isn’t it cool how daily devotionals seem to be JUST what you need to hear sometimes?  I love how God does that.  It makes me feel like He’s really close (even though I know He always is). 

Lunch salad: shredded romaine, tomato, snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, & turkey breast lunchmeat, with homemade honey mustard on the side

Truth be told, I’ve been feeling a little defeated recently.  Things at home seem to be slipping downhill slowly, and I’m not sure how to deal with it.  I will be paying rent, starting next month, and I almost feel like I would rather be staying somewhere else (where I can shower when I want, workout when I want, & come/go as I please) if I’m going to be paying.  Not that I don’t love every single person in my family, but it can be frustrating when I get a lecture for spending all my time working out, for a streak left on the countertop after I clean something up, or for not closing my lips around my toothbrush when I brush my teeth.  Yes, this is a reality at 22 years-old

fresh watermelon snack

As much as I appreciate the fact that my parents put a roof over my head and would do anything for me if I asked, I can only handle so much micromanaging at this point in my life.  For the most part, I have my own schedule, but I feel like they don’t respect me at all as an adult.  In fact, I’ve been told that my job is “a joke”, I don’t “have any real responsibilities”, and I “am very dependant” on them.  I thought about things realistically, and I guess they’re right.  I feel like nothing I do, in their eyes is respectable.

snack #2: peanut flour paste & baby carrots

-I bought my own car & make payments every month
-I’m on my own car insurance plan & have monthly payments
-I’m paying my way through school (although, Poppa FF did pay for my first two books as a special treat)
-I am on my own cell phone plan which I pay monthly (both sisters and my grandparents are on my parents’)
-I work a full-time job & took full-time classese last semester so I could play college basketball
-I’m taking part-time classes over the summer

Dinner: grilled vegetables (squash, zucchini, peppers, onions, mushrooms) in Free Zesty Italian dressing, grilled chicken

My wonderful boyfriend was the one who brought most of these things to my attention when I was venting to him last night.  He is easily the only thing keeping me sane right now, and the parents are actually quite charming while he is around.

Dessert- strawberries mixed with vanilla Oikos greek yogurt

What would you do in my situation?  Are you a twenty some-thing living at home?  Do you pay rent? I’m not sure what to think or feel, so any opinion is welcomed (: 




What Drives You?

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Today, I found the motivation I needed to wake up early in this chicky’s pancake recipe.  I would make these everyday if I had an endless supply of fresh blueberries.

I know, I know, you’re tired of hearing about how delicious they are.

Take a peek instead? 🙂

(1/3 C. ww flour, 2 tbsp. oat bran, 1/2 c. blueberries, 1/3 C. unsweetened coconut milk, a dash of salt, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 Splenda packet)

Yes, these were totally worth getting up an extra half hour early to make.

 Okay…this daily devotional really hit home.  You see, it isn’t easy living at home as a 22-year-old, after having lived in an apartment on your own.  Schedules conflict, bathroom time has to be shared, cooking is limited, and heads butt, but overall, I need to remember how important it is to God that I respect & honor my parents. 

After a rush of certifications to process at work in the morning, it was nearing noon quickly, and since the weather has been so gorgeous lately, I couldn’t help but want to be outside. 

After a quick stroll around the capitol, it was time to dig into the lunchbox.

Any guesses?  I’ll save you the trouble…I was reading in my new book, “Must’ve Been Something I Ate” that kelp noodles are SUPER for thyroid health. 

 So, I gave them a whirl at the beach using Elise’s avocado/pea concoction, but Monica’s thai peanut noodles sounded good, too! 

For the sauce:

  • 1/4 C. peanut flour
  • 1 tsp. siracha (depending how hot you like it)
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup
  • a sprinkle of chili powder
  • water to thin

You just rinse the kelp noodles, microwave them for 1 min, and then add the sauce!  Mine were accompanied by steamed broccoli. Thanks for the idea, Monica (my favorite red-headed Mexican ;))

Lunch dessert was fresh watermelon (unpictured).

Getting back into my routine, means returning to my Insane Abs DVD & Ab Ripper X, but also outdoor basketball, which I couldn’t be happier about.

942 calories burned; max hr 183 – DANG.

After my little shenanigans on the basketball court, I came home to a house full of people and a grilled feast on the deck courtesy of Momma & Poppa FF.

My plate was chock full of nutrients and deliciousness.  Squash, zucchini, roasted red potatoes, yellow and red pepper, onion, mushrooms, and grilled chicken breast. 

We each made our own little foil packets and I was quite proud of mine!

Everyone had a wonderful time just hanging out and enjoying the sunshine.  To me, grilling and cookouts were made for summer.

My Momma is such a cutie pie.  I’m a little jealous of her tan, too, as mine has faded immensely since our return home from the beach!

I also made a protein shake for dessert, with the last of my ABOUT TIME protein packets *tear*.  It looked the same as all of those other green smoothies on blogs, so I’ll spare you the picture.

Two question Tuesday time:

What has been your favorite adventure this summer? 

What summer foods are your favorite?


Great Intentions

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Great Intentions


“…for, the training of the body has a limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8

Breakfast: Rudi’s Organic Multi-grain English Muffins with Flax, 1 Sonoma Jack’s light pepperjack cheese wedge, and two spoonfuls of sugar-free lite cherry pie filling


I recently had breakfast with one of my good friends, Dave Jenkins, and we were talking about the show “The Biggest Loser” and how so many people buy fitness equipment and then never use it. He shared this quote with me: ”The world has all these great intentions. Too bad most end up in the basement unused.” How true. Even in my own life, I’d started to workout, lose weight and get back in shape many times only to stop way too soon. All those efforts fall into the “great intentions” pile.

In 1 Timothy, Paul urges Timothy (who might have been a good athlete) to teach others to focus on spiritual training because it will reap more benefits than physical training in the end of this life and in the life to come. Many young believers start out on fire and growing in the ways of Christ, but as each day passes, like our physical training routines, we get lazy and complacent and stray from our initial desire to get one day better. In this case, to get one day better in Him and closer to Him.

Since our physical life is paralleled by our spiritual life, it begs the question of where we should turn. How many times do we start to read our Bible daily, do our devotions, pray with our families, pray with our spouses, etc., but we fall short and are left with nothing more than great intentions?

What do you want to do about all these great intentions? I know what my desire is: to turn them into great accomplishments for God’s glory. Undone intentions really don’t mean a thing and will not get you where you want to go in life. Start today to turn these intentions into action plans that, with accountability, will become a part of your regular day-to-day life. You can do it, and you can honor God in the process!

Lunch: Katie’s Miscellaneous Quinoa Salad atop a bed of baby spinach


1. Have you ever purchased fitness equipment that you intended to use, but wound up casting aside?
2. How does your spiritual life compare to your physical life?
3. What do you need to do today in order to turn your great intentions to amazing accomplishments with God’s help?

Snackage: 1 fuji apple + peanut flour paste (1/4 C. peanut flour, sea salt, & splenda)


Psalm 33:11
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Galatians 5:17

Dinnerrr time

A vegetable peeler comes in handy

Creating pretty little ribbon-like zucchini noodles

Which can be bulked up with some cherry tomatoes, snap peas, and anything else you want to throw in the mix.  I think chickpeas or grilled chicken is my favorite protein in this dish!  Tofu might be yummy, too 🙂

Finish off the dish with a light, summery dressing like Kraft Free Zesty Italian

Just 15 calories in 2 tbsp!

Not the most fabulous ingredients list, considering high fructose corn syrup is the second ingredient, but you win some, you lose some 🙂 



Bring On The Sunshine.

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The best days start with award-winning bread.

If you don’t believe me, you’ve probably never tried Rudi’s Organic Bakery products for breakfast.  Trust me on this one, if you’re not a morning person, you will be after fixing a breakfast treat on one of their Multi-grain English Muffins with Flax.

Try them with some sliced banana and sugar-free strawberry preserves.  You’ll thank me later 😉

I had an eye-opening devotional this morning, too…

I couldn’t agree more!  It’s easy to run to God when things are going wrong to ask for help, but how many times do we spend time with him when things are going well?  Definitely something I need to work on…

My walking buddy and I took a gorgeous stroll in the sunshine down by the river today…two, actually, on our breaks at work.  I’m so thankful to be out of this rainy weather phase!

Lunch was eaten in four courses.

Course  #1: sweet potato steamed in the microwave and mashed with sugar-free vanilla Torani syrup + cinnamon

Course #2: romaine based salad with avocado, sliced baby bell peppers, and cucumber + free zesty italian dressing


Course #3: a few slices of Oscar Meyer Cajun Seasoned Deli Chicken

Course #4: Dessert!  Sugar-free orange jello cup

Yes, it’s a lot of food 🙂 On my way home from work, I stopped at the Farmer’s Market to replenish my vegetable stock that was slowly diminishing over the week’s time.

Big bag of baby spinach, bananas, spaghetti squash, kiwi, avocado, broccoli, turnips, apples (gala & fuji), and snap peas

I do my best to support local farmers when I can! Alll of this fresh produce for $13.81. 


I had a snack at the office around 4PM before heading to basketball open gym

Peanut flour paste (1/4 C. peanut flour, salt, Splenda, water to thin) + a gala apple

I’m sorry if you’re tired of seeing this snack, but it’s a favorite!  Speaking of which, I should probably order more peanut flour soon…

Anywho, basketball was fantastic.

In a matter of two hours, I burned 1,007 caloriesIncredibleee.  Best.workout.ever.  I did miss my workout buddy, though…

I was feeling rather lazy, so instead of cooking, chinese food saved the day.

Steamed shrimp and vegetables with light sauce on the side

I literally have this meal at least once a week and have yet to get tired of it.

I knew my muscles would thank me in the morning if I downed a bit of casein rather than having a glass of milk before bed, so I opted for a KEY LIME protein shake for my dessert.

Yummmmm-oooo; in the words of Rachel Ray.

Here’s what went into the blender bottle:

  • 1 scant scoop of cookies n’ cream casein protein powder
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 handful baby spinach
  • 4 tbsp. 100% lime juice
  • 2 Splenda packets
  • 1/4 C. fiber one cereal
  • 1/2-3/4 C. water for blendability

You’ve gotta try this…I think next time I’ll add some unsweetened coconut, too!  So refreshing!

I may or may not have downed a Rudi’s Sweet Wheat bagel at 11Pm, too…those 1,000 calories that left my body on the court were calling out for carbs! 🙂

1. What’s your favorite smoothie combination? Depends what I’m in the mood for, but some of my addicitons as of lately are mocha mint and key lime.  I love to add fiber one cereal to my shakes!  It’s like those ice creams that have graham crackers mixed in.

2. Any exciting weekend plans? Jarid and I are going to the gym together today after work and then the drive-in’s tonight!  I’m excited…We’re seeing Insideous & Thor!


Well Hey There, Summer.

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Verse of the Day:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” –Mark 12:30-31 

As with the transition from Fall to Winter, I feel like Spring has been skipped over (with the exception of the weeks of straight rain that we’ve had!).  There was no middle ground.  It went from torrential downpours to weather in the 90’s in a matter of hours, in my mind.  Welcome to Summer 2011, everyone.

Breakfasts during summer couldn’t get more refreshing than a cool, sweet protein shake.  This one consisted of a handful of baby spinach, some iced coffee, a Mocha Mint About Time protein packet, a handful of ice, a frozen banana, and some unsweet vanilla almond milk.

In honor of the weather changes, I’ve also changed the nail polish to a “barbie” color, as Julie would call it.

Hot pinkk with matching toes!

To me, bright colorful pinks, oranges, and yellows scream SUMMERTIME.

Snackage at the desk once I got to work was two slices of multi-grain light fiber one toast & forty spices hummus (only 50 calories a pop).



And as I mentioned yesterday, the perfect light lunch is necessary for these humid afternoons.

Shredded romaine, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, purple cabbage, and grilled chicken breast.

I felt kinda tropical once I added the peach-mango salsa (from Costco).

I enjoyed two brisk walks throughout the day (each about 20 minutes) with my girl friends at work. 

And I just had to show you my little pineapple air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror of my car.

Afternoon snacking took place around 3pm and was a classic favorite.

Gala apple + baby carrots dipped in peanut flour paste

Crisp, juicy apples are one of the many fruits that I crave when it’s hot out, along with cantaloupe and watermelon!

When I arrived home, I brewed some more iced coffee to replenish the stash I keep in the fridge.  This time, there was nothing more appropriate than Campfire S’mores roast by Cafteá.

 Can you guess what took place next?  As if I’m not totally predictable in my scheduling…

Is it just me, or do you wear less makeup when you’ve got a bit of color, too?  I tend to stay away from the “perfected face” look and go more natural in the warm months.  Funny faces in the gym mirror are obvious and necessary.

494 calories; max hr 164

Here’s what I did:

  • 10 min. on the dreadmill (warm up – intervals between 6-9mph)
  •  1 hr. on the Cross Ramp
  • Ab work (planks, crunches, v-ups, in-and-outs, etc)
  • Hip adductor/abductor machine (3 sets of 15 each)
  • 3 sets of 15 pushups

Thennn, Jarid showed up and we went to grab a bite to eat at Subway.

I got my go-to turkey sub on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, mustard, green pepper, cucumber, and sweet peppers

Jarid got the chicken-bacon ranch with all kinds of stuffings.

After we dined at the park, we went back to the YMCA for a little walk around the development close-by.  It was a beautiful night ❤

I can’t believe it’s already Friday tomorrow!  Don’t you just love short work weeks?!

1. Do you have a “regular” sandwich that you ALWAYS opt for at places like Subway, or do you try something new each time? I’m a faithful turkey sandwich lover.

2. What is your favorite flavored coffee and who makes it? My all-time favorite summer flavor is Green Mountain brand Island Coconut coffee.



Words Are Overrated…

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…so I’ll only use a few 😉

Breakfast: 3/4 C. Fiber One cereal, 3/4 C. fat free cottage cheese, 1 C. dark cherries





Grilled chicken, salad, fresh fruit

State honors

Outstanding player




Packed lunches (blueberries, light fiber one multi-grain bread, egg whites with hummus filling, 98% fat free hebrew national frank with reduced sugar ketchup, cucumber/tomato/snap pea salad with applecider vinegar+splenda)

National Day of Prayer @ the PA Capitol


…it’s been a decent week.  Going to look at another house tonight! Wish me luck 😉